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Class - Plague Doctor Crack

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Unless they are somehow all found and destroyed (very unlikely), the plague doctor reforms at half-health in an area with any vermin whatsoever (even a single spider or fly will do) after 1 day per mile away from the area where the plague doctor discorporated (the DM chooses the exact location, but the plague doctor should reappear in an area. Taken from - me - my DISCORD!



Hey everyone! I'm working on a plague doctor class. If you can think of anything you'd like to see included, let me know!

I think proficiency in medicine and nature would be kind of logical. Double the proficiency bonus for medicine checks for diseases and for nature checks for finding the known cure for a known disease (i.e. patient has malaria, go looking for cinchona or remijia)

I'm not sure wich one would be more appropriate, or wether you could let the player choose between proficiency in perception or investigation, but I think for getting the nessesary background information, i.e. was there a recent flood/ insect populations grew bigger/ there's a suspicious looking mold in the patients bedroom/ a traveler passed through who came from city-wich-had-recent-reports-of-rare-but-contagious-disease/ etc.

Give them some sort of resistance against diseases for example advantages or some other bonus on checks against contracting diseases.

There probably should be a constitution requirement for this class.

Are you planning on introducing spells or cantrips? Cantrips that would seem a logical choice for someone working with contagious patients would be prestidigitation (cleaning your tools and clothes, chilling or warming materials to control the patients temperature), mage hand (for cases when the plague doctors really shouldn't touch the patient themself) or spare the dying. Dying light - gun psycho bundle for mac os.

Other spells would suggest healing and damage (through inflicting illness, sickness, diseases)

Let the players choose from Contagion, Gentle Repose, Harm, Eyebite, maayybee Blight, Ressurection, Revivify, False Life, Heroes Feast, Lesser Restoration, and a few with ‘heal' in the spell name. Might sound a bit like a one trick pony, but then again, if they want to throw fireballs or make plants grow, they shouldn't pick a plague doctor.

If you don't want the Plague Doctor to mainly be a caster, I'd still suggest you give the players the two bolded Spells, because they are just too thematic to not use them. Make the players work for them, but let them have them.

I spend way too much time on this……but the concept of playing a plague doctor sounds intriguing.

My main thing with this class is having it be non-magical. The idea is that they find healing magic to be unreliable. They would prefer to rely on the the natural sciences and alchemy to cure their patients. Things under their control. Their current skill proficiencies are Medicine, Nature, Survival, Insight, Investigation, History, Arcana, Persuasion, Deception, or Intimidation. They get to choose three. They'll have vials that get to duplicate some spell effects though they'll be non-magical effects. (Can't be counterspelled and can work in anti-magic fields)

So from the sounds of it, you're looking to make a non-caster ‘healer' class. Such a feat could be tricky, but it's possible!
Consider giving the class abilities that will reflect the ‘plague doctor' feel you're going for: perhaps a resistance or immunity to disease and poison, the ability to craft minor healing potions as an action (limited to a few charges a day), the ability to make a melee attack and inflict a creature with a disease. Maybe instead of an outright healer class, you could include options that allow the plague doctor to craft ‘buffs' and ‘debuffs' for creatures (examples: You can give a creature a +1 to their attack or damage roll, or you make a creature vulnerable to a certain type of damage.)
I don't think going with ‘vials that get to duplicate the effects of spells' would be the correct way to go with a non-casting healer, but that's just me. I think this has the potential to be more than just a reskin of an alchemist, and could be its own thing- A class with a specific utility that no other class provides. I hope a few of the small examples I gave help kickstart some ideas of your own!

Actually, I'd like the class to NOT be a primary healer. I see the plague doctor as either a skill monkey or a buff/debuff character. The heal I'm working on right now is called 'Invigorating Vapors,' where they can use an action to heal someone 1-3d8 based on level, but the character takes a level of exhaustion to do so. They can heal others, but the rapid healing comes at a cost. It's meant to be used as a last resort kind of thing.

(via the-antifascist-guild)

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This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Reason: This class is barely a variant. The text is the same of the Plague Doctor, and the only novelty are the (kind off) the subclasses. The way this class is right now, is a very redundant. Would be better just add the new concepts of subclasses on the original class.

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  • 2Creating a Plague Doctor
  • 4Class Features
  • 19Medical Expertise

Plague Doctor[edit]

Rumors abound about the oddly dressed human man on the corner. He stands there calling to those who are sick, imploring that he can heal them. Some approach him, and those watching see the man offering small pouches full of paste, or bottles full of oddly-colored liquid. Many are curious, but few are brave or desperate enough to approach. One day, a band of adventurers approaches. One of them has succumbed to a debilitating disease. Working as fast as he can, the oddly dressed human places a pouch of paste on the sick adventurer's forehead. The sickness seems to alleviate, while the man quickly mixes another concoction. He gives it to the patient to drink, and she slowly recovers from her illness. The man is thanked for his service, and he awaits another customer.

A tiefling woman works to save a patient in the back of her clinic, when a half-elf man walks in. The half-elf draws a knife, and approaches the unconscious patient with malicious intent. The tiefling woman parries the killing blow with one of her tools and proceeds to duel with the assassin. The half-elf expects an easy victory against a mere doctor, but finds himself burned by the metal rod the tiefling uses. The assassin is ready to retaliate with a spell, only to feel a sudden pain in his skull that stops him from using his magic. His suffering ends when he feels two needles pierce his eyes, and a large needle pierce his abdomen. Slowly, the assassin feels his life slipping away, and the tiefling woman returns to healing her patient.


A dwarven man is closing up his clinic, when an orcish thug approaches him. The orc tries to shake down the business for money, and threatens his smaller opponent with an ax. The dwarf knocks away his aggressor's weapon and strikes with a diabolical saw. Suddenly, the orc finds he can no longer move his weapon arm. He is cut over and over by the dwarf, and is horrified to see his own blood splashing the ground.

Plague Doctors are people that go around attempting to heal those that have been inflicted with the plague. They wear a leather gown, gloves, a leather mask with red glass eyes, a beak filled with fragrant herbs and oils, and a leather wide-brimmed hat to indicate that they are doctors. Underneath the gown, they wear leather breeches and a leather shirt. The costume is to protect themselves from the sick. Shenzhen i o wiki. They also carry an arsenal of tools for amputation, cyst popping, and healing. The Plague Doctor while not a true healer is by far one of the most competent healer

Creating a Plague Doctor[edit]

Plague Doctor by Schytelizard94 [1]

A plague doctor does all he cans to exterminate the plague and heal the infected, or to experiment with patients for the sake of medicine .

Quick Build[edit]

First, Wisdom should be your highest score, followed by Intelligence. After that, Charisma should be next. Then, choose the Hermit or Cloistered Scholar Background.

Questions to Help Develop Your Character[edit]

Why did they choose to be a plague doctor? What was their past? Were they praised or shunned? Were they obsessed with pain, or with healing? Did they practice with human experiments? What caused the plague? Did they study alone or with help from others and professors? How did they see the plague? Were they afflicted by the plague? How did it end? What kind of plague ravaged the land and its people?

Class Features

As a Plague Doctor you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Plague Doctor level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Plague Doctor level after 1st


Armor: Light, Medium
Weapons:Amputation Knife, Bonesaw, Doctor's Cane, Plague Lancet
Tools: Herbalism kit, Poisoner's Kit, Plague Doctor's Case
Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
Skills: Medicine. Choose two from Intimidation, Investigation, Nature, Survival, and Perception


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • Plague Doctor's Case (contains Amputation Knife, a Bonesaw, and 3 Plague Lancets.)
  • (a) Herbalism kit or (b) Poisoner's kit
  • Leather armor and a Plague Doctor's Outfit
  • (a) Explorer's pack or (b) Priest's pack

Table: The Plague Doctor

1st+2Doctor's Components, Doctor's Tools4
3rd+2Medical Expertise6
4th+2Ability Score Improvement6
5th+3Tonics, Extra Attack10
7th+3Medical Mind (1)12
8th+3Ability Score Improvement12
11th+4Medical Expertise Feature16
12th+4Ability Score Improvement18
13th+5Medical Mind (2)18
15th+5Medical Expertise Feature22
16th+5Ability Score Improvement24
17th+6Smelling Salts24
18th+6Medical Mind (3)28
19th+6Ability Score Improvement28
20th+6Improvised Medicine32

Doctor's Components[edit]

Starting at the 1st level, the Plague Doctor has in their possession a set of medical herbs, powders, fruits, flowers and seeds. These components are used by the Plague Doctor to concoct various mixtures that can be either beneficial or diabolical. All expended uses of Doctor's Components are replenished upon completing a short or long rest.

Doctor's Tools[edit]

Starting at the 1st level, a Plague Doctor has access to an array of tools specifically designed for their class. The tools are unique to them, and the Plague Doctor is proficient in their use.


Starting at the 2nd level, the Plague Doctor has learned how to concoct certain powders and pastes wrapped in cloth, which can produce certain effects. As an action, you may attach one Poultice to a target that you can touch within 5 feet of you. Each Poultice costs 2 Doctor's Components to create. The creation time for a Poultice is 1 minute. A Poultice retains its potency for 24 hours, after which it loses its effect.

Mustard Poultice

For the patient who ails from poison. One poisoned target that you touch with this Poultice will take 1/2 as much poison damage than normal on their next turn. On the next turn, the target will only take 1/4 poison damage. On the next turn, they are cured of their poison status.

Class - plague doctor crackhead

Oil Poultice

When a patient suffers from disease, nothing works better than natural oils. One diseased target that you touch with this Poultice will stop feeling the effects of disease for as long as the Oil Poultice remains applied. The effects of this Poultice last for one hour.

Charcoal Poultice

A Poultice that burns like the real thing. A target that you touch with this Poultice takes 1d4 fire damage once per turn. On the target's turn, they may make a Dexterity save to remove the Poultice. Otherwise, it simply falls off after three turns.

Mint and Lemon Poultice

Wonderful for tea, but dreadful for patients with cuts. A target that you touch with this Poultice after they have been attacked takes 1d4 bleeding damage. If this is used before a target has been attacked, the target recovers from exhaustion 1/2 times faster than normal for one hour.

Clay Poultice

Not as effective as a bandage, but will do in a pinch. A target that you touch with this Poultice will slowly have health restored to them for a number of turns determined by 1d4. The number rolled by the 1d4 will determine how many turns you are able to heal. For the respective number rolled, roll another d4 to recover health.

Life or Death[edit]

Starting at the 3rd level, a Plague Doctor must choose if they will serve the sick and ailing, or become a prophet of Pestilence ( one of the four horsemen) to the spread deadly disease across the lands. Will they choose the path of Life or Death ? Abilities for each Path are granted at the 3rd, 5th, 7th 11th, 15th and 20th levels, and are described at the end of this page.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

Starting at the 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack[edit]

At 5th level, on your turn you can attack twice instead of once when you take the attack action on your turn.


Starting at the 5th level, the Plague Doctor has learned to more effectively use their Doctor's Components. For the cost of 2, you can now craft a more powerful Tonic. As an action, you may drink a tonic, offer it to others to drink, or throw it 20 feet at a target with an attack. Use Wisdom as the relevant attack ability. The creation time for 1 Tonic is 1 round. A Tonic retains its potency for 48 hours, after which it loses its effect.

Orange and Pomegranate Tonic

Class - Plague Doctor Cracked

Delicious on it's own as a drink, this Tonic is perfect for the patient who suffers from plague and poison. For 1 hour after drinking this Tonic, the effects of disease and poison are nullified. After one hour is passed, the debilitating status effects are back in effect, until another Orange and Pomegranate Tonic is drunk.

Rose Tonic

Refreshing as it is fragrant. This bitter Tonic is able to stimulate the body and grant 2d6 of temporary HP for one hour, or until the temporary HP is depleted.

Class - Plague Doctor Crackhead

Lead and Sulfur Tonic

Not for consumption. Can be thrown 20 feet at a target for 2d4 bludgeoning damage in a 15 foot radius.

Hemlock Tonic

Though normally poisonous, the Plague Doctor has found a way to make this herb harmless and loosen joints. Upon drinking, your movement speed increases by 10 feet for 10 minutes.

Cyanide and Vinegar Tonic

Used more as a way to mercifully euthanize terminal patients, but also perfect to bring down enemies. This tonic can be thrown 20 feet at an enemy target for 1d8 poison damage, and 1d6 poison damage for 3 turns after poison takes effect.


At the 6th level, the Plague Doctor has been exposed to disease enough times that they no longer have to worry about being infected. Their knowledge of disease has given them the ability to avoid infection, and has become immune to disease.( This doesn't apply if the plague doctor is branching the horsemen path )


A dwarven man is closing up his clinic, when an orcish thug approaches him. The orc tries to shake down the business for money, and threatens his smaller opponent with an ax. The dwarf knocks away his aggressor's weapon and strikes with a diabolical saw. Suddenly, the orc finds he can no longer move his weapon arm. He is cut over and over by the dwarf, and is horrified to see his own blood splashing the ground.

Plague Doctors are people that go around attempting to heal those that have been inflicted with the plague. They wear a leather gown, gloves, a leather mask with red glass eyes, a beak filled with fragrant herbs and oils, and a leather wide-brimmed hat to indicate that they are doctors. Underneath the gown, they wear leather breeches and a leather shirt. The costume is to protect themselves from the sick. Shenzhen i o wiki. They also carry an arsenal of tools for amputation, cyst popping, and healing. The Plague Doctor while not a true healer is by far one of the most competent healer

Creating a Plague Doctor[edit]

Plague Doctor by Schytelizard94 [1]

A plague doctor does all he cans to exterminate the plague and heal the infected, or to experiment with patients for the sake of medicine .

Quick Build[edit]

First, Wisdom should be your highest score, followed by Intelligence. After that, Charisma should be next. Then, choose the Hermit or Cloistered Scholar Background.

Questions to Help Develop Your Character[edit]

Why did they choose to be a plague doctor? What was their past? Were they praised or shunned? Were they obsessed with pain, or with healing? Did they practice with human experiments? What caused the plague? Did they study alone or with help from others and professors? How did they see the plague? Were they afflicted by the plague? How did it end? What kind of plague ravaged the land and its people?

Class Features

As a Plague Doctor you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Plague Doctor level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Plague Doctor level after 1st


Armor: Light, Medium
Weapons:Amputation Knife, Bonesaw, Doctor's Cane, Plague Lancet
Tools: Herbalism kit, Poisoner's Kit, Plague Doctor's Case
Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
Skills: Medicine. Choose two from Intimidation, Investigation, Nature, Survival, and Perception


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • Plague Doctor's Case (contains Amputation Knife, a Bonesaw, and 3 Plague Lancets.)
  • (a) Herbalism kit or (b) Poisoner's kit
  • Leather armor and a Plague Doctor's Outfit
  • (a) Explorer's pack or (b) Priest's pack

Table: The Plague Doctor

1st+2Doctor's Components, Doctor's Tools4
3rd+2Medical Expertise6
4th+2Ability Score Improvement6
5th+3Tonics, Extra Attack10
7th+3Medical Mind (1)12
8th+3Ability Score Improvement12
11th+4Medical Expertise Feature16
12th+4Ability Score Improvement18
13th+5Medical Mind (2)18
15th+5Medical Expertise Feature22
16th+5Ability Score Improvement24
17th+6Smelling Salts24
18th+6Medical Mind (3)28
19th+6Ability Score Improvement28
20th+6Improvised Medicine32

Doctor's Components[edit]

Starting at the 1st level, the Plague Doctor has in their possession a set of medical herbs, powders, fruits, flowers and seeds. These components are used by the Plague Doctor to concoct various mixtures that can be either beneficial or diabolical. All expended uses of Doctor's Components are replenished upon completing a short or long rest.

Doctor's Tools[edit]

Starting at the 1st level, a Plague Doctor has access to an array of tools specifically designed for their class. The tools are unique to them, and the Plague Doctor is proficient in their use.


Starting at the 2nd level, the Plague Doctor has learned how to concoct certain powders and pastes wrapped in cloth, which can produce certain effects. As an action, you may attach one Poultice to a target that you can touch within 5 feet of you. Each Poultice costs 2 Doctor's Components to create. The creation time for a Poultice is 1 minute. A Poultice retains its potency for 24 hours, after which it loses its effect.

Mustard Poultice

For the patient who ails from poison. One poisoned target that you touch with this Poultice will take 1/2 as much poison damage than normal on their next turn. On the next turn, the target will only take 1/4 poison damage. On the next turn, they are cured of their poison status.

Oil Poultice

When a patient suffers from disease, nothing works better than natural oils. One diseased target that you touch with this Poultice will stop feeling the effects of disease for as long as the Oil Poultice remains applied. The effects of this Poultice last for one hour.

Charcoal Poultice

A Poultice that burns like the real thing. A target that you touch with this Poultice takes 1d4 fire damage once per turn. On the target's turn, they may make a Dexterity save to remove the Poultice. Otherwise, it simply falls off after three turns.

Mint and Lemon Poultice

Wonderful for tea, but dreadful for patients with cuts. A target that you touch with this Poultice after they have been attacked takes 1d4 bleeding damage. If this is used before a target has been attacked, the target recovers from exhaustion 1/2 times faster than normal for one hour.

Clay Poultice

Not as effective as a bandage, but will do in a pinch. A target that you touch with this Poultice will slowly have health restored to them for a number of turns determined by 1d4. The number rolled by the 1d4 will determine how many turns you are able to heal. For the respective number rolled, roll another d4 to recover health.

Life or Death[edit]

Starting at the 3rd level, a Plague Doctor must choose if they will serve the sick and ailing, or become a prophet of Pestilence ( one of the four horsemen) to the spread deadly disease across the lands. Will they choose the path of Life or Death ? Abilities for each Path are granted at the 3rd, 5th, 7th 11th, 15th and 20th levels, and are described at the end of this page.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

Starting at the 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack[edit]

At 5th level, on your turn you can attack twice instead of once when you take the attack action on your turn.


Starting at the 5th level, the Plague Doctor has learned to more effectively use their Doctor's Components. For the cost of 2, you can now craft a more powerful Tonic. As an action, you may drink a tonic, offer it to others to drink, or throw it 20 feet at a target with an attack. Use Wisdom as the relevant attack ability. The creation time for 1 Tonic is 1 round. A Tonic retains its potency for 48 hours, after which it loses its effect.

Orange and Pomegranate Tonic

Class - Plague Doctor Cracked

Delicious on it's own as a drink, this Tonic is perfect for the patient who suffers from plague and poison. For 1 hour after drinking this Tonic, the effects of disease and poison are nullified. After one hour is passed, the debilitating status effects are back in effect, until another Orange and Pomegranate Tonic is drunk.

Rose Tonic

Refreshing as it is fragrant. This bitter Tonic is able to stimulate the body and grant 2d6 of temporary HP for one hour, or until the temporary HP is depleted.

Class - Plague Doctor Crackhead

Lead and Sulfur Tonic

Not for consumption. Can be thrown 20 feet at a target for 2d4 bludgeoning damage in a 15 foot radius.

Hemlock Tonic

Though normally poisonous, the Plague Doctor has found a way to make this herb harmless and loosen joints. Upon drinking, your movement speed increases by 10 feet for 10 minutes.

Cyanide and Vinegar Tonic

Used more as a way to mercifully euthanize terminal patients, but also perfect to bring down enemies. This tonic can be thrown 20 feet at an enemy target for 1d8 poison damage, and 1d6 poison damage for 3 turns after poison takes effect.


At the 6th level, the Plague Doctor has been exposed to disease enough times that they no longer have to worry about being infected. Their knowledge of disease has given them the ability to avoid infection, and has become immune to disease.( This doesn't apply if the plague doctor is branching the horsemen path )

Medical Mind[edit]

At the 7th level, your knowledge as a Plague Doctor has led you to treating a variety of creatures. In addition to flesh and blood creatures, you can choose to become proficient at fighting against constructs, oozes, plants or undead. Whichever creature you choose, you gain an extra 1d6 in damage against them using slashing, bludgeoning or piercing damage. You may choose another creature to become proficient against at the 13th level and at the 18th level. You may not choose any creature to become proficient against more than once.

Additionally, whenever you choose a creature to become proficient against, the effects of your features will affect them, regardless of resistance or immunities.


At the 9th level, you gain the ability to create Decoctions. For the cost of two Tonics, these strong teas are created for a more powerful effect than before. As an action, you may drink a Decoction, or give it to others to drink. The creation time for a Decoction is 1 hour. A Decoction retains its potency for 96 hours, after which it loses its effect.

Coriander Decoction

Pungent and savory, this Decoction is perfect for regulating body temperature. Upon drinking, you become resistant to both fire and cold damage for 1 hour.

Lavender Decoction

Fragrant, but bitter, this Decoction is for the patient who needs some extra fortitude. Upon drinking, you become resistant to both acid and lightning damage for 1 hour.

Rosemary Decoction

Tea brewed from herbs with magical properties. Upon drinking, you become open to the awareness of fey and undead within 50 feet of yourself. You may use an action to determine what type of undead they are. The effects of this Decoction last for 30 minutes.

Antibiotic Decoction

A miracle of medicine that tastes quite bitter, but works wonders. The drinker of this Decoction is cured of any disease and poison over the course of 30 minutes.

Furrow and Rateye Decoction

As disgusting as it sounds and tastes, this is the perfect cure for patients who are impaired. The drinker of this Decoction is cured of both blindness and deafness.


At the 10th level, you have acquired access to a powerful sedative. As an action, you may make a melee attack to inject a creature within 5 feet of you with anesthesia to put them to sleep for a number of turns equal to your Wisdom modifier unless they make a Constitution save with the DC being 8 + your proficiency modifier + your Wisdom modifier. You are considered proficient with this attack. An undead or construct is immune to this effect. You may use this feature 3 times, and regain expended uses on a long rest.


At the 14th level, you have gained the ability to craft the most potent of medicinal elixers. For the cost of two decoctions, the Plague Doctor is able to create a powerful Cocktail with incredible effects. As an action, you may drink a Cocktail, offer it to others to drink, or throw it for 20 feet at a target with an attack. Use Wisdom as the relevant attack ability. The creation time for a Cocktail is 3 hours. A Cocktail retains its potency for a week, after which it loses its effect.

Dragon's Blood Cocktail

Delicious on it's own as a drink, this Tonic is perfect for the patient who suffers from nervous conditions. As an bonus action, you may drink this Tonic. For 1 hour after drinking this Tonic, the effects of being charmed or frightened are suppressed for the duration. After one hour is passed, the debilitating conditions are back in effect, until another Orange and Pomegranate Tonic is drunk, or the conditions are cured.

Stonewall Cocktail Family mysteries 3: criminal mindset crack.

The taste is uncertain, but the effects are phenomenal. Upon drinking this Cocktail, the drinker becomes a powerful bulwark of strength, gaining resistance to being knocked prone, melee damage, fall damage and you recover one level of exhaustion.

Exorcist's Cocktail

A brew made from mixing several magical herbs. This Cocktail is exactly what is called for if a patient suffers from attacks by spirits. Upon drinking, the drinker's body is purged of any possessing spirit, or mind-altering spell or disease.

Panacea Cocktail

The ultimate in curatives. Restores 4d12 HP, and grants an additional 2d8 in temporary HP.

Smelling Salts[edit]

At the 17th level, the Plague Doctor has learned methods for those who are knocked unconscious. As an action, you may awaken one target you can touch. You may use this feature 3 times, and regain expended uses upon a long rest.

Improvised Medicine[edit]

At the 20th level, if you have no Doctor's Components left, you are able to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a success, you are granted 3 extra Doctor's Components. You may use this feature 3 times, and regain expended uses on a long rest.

Medical Expertise[edit]


The life path specializes in healing. This path is for the doctor devoted to keeping his allies alive. When choosing this path the plague doctor may choose to change to a good or lawful alignment, if the DM allows.

Healer's Potion

At the 3rd level, the Plague Doctor carries a large bottle full of healing liquid around that can be used as a pool of healing for the plague doctor or his allies. As a action you can heal yourself or one creature of your choice for a number of hit points equal to your Plague Doctor level. You may heal someone up to 3 times this way before the bottle empties. The bottle is filled over a long rest.

Modern Medicine

At the 7th level, by spending ten minutes you can heal up six creatures of your choice by 2d8 + Your Wisdom Modifier. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (Max of 3). Additionally you can expend all charges of this ability at once to heal an additional 1d8 per charge used, but the time spent is still ten minutes. All charges are regained after a long rest.


At the 11th level, the plague doctor can reattach severed limbs so long as the limbs are preserved or it has been no longer than one day since severance. It takes 15 minutes to reattach a finger or toe; 1 hour to reattach an arm, hand, or foot; and 2 hours to reattach a leg.

Perfected Recipe

At the 15th level, when you would roll one or more dice to restore hit points, you may choose to use the highest number possible for each die. You can use this feature up to 3 times per long rest.

The Saint

At the 20th level, you can bring the dead back alive by sacrificing all your hit points, immediately knocking you into death saves. The target makes a Constitution check to see how many hit points they get. If they roll a 10 or below, they are brought back with half their hit points, else they're brought back with full hit points.


The Horsemen path is dedicated to dealing damage, spreading plague and sickness, and causing absolute anarchy . When choosing this path the plague doctor may choose to switch to a chaotic or evil alignment, if the DM allows.

The Gifted Saw

At the 3rd level, you've have seen enough death and disease, that your bone-saw now imbued the power of the plague which causes a 1d6 of necrotic damage and every 3 levels after the 3rd level, your bone-saw gains 1d6 of necrotic damage.


At 5th Level, you've gained enough knowledge on disease that you know how to protect yourself from them. You are considered immune to all diseases.


At the 7th level, you can make a performance check to convince a creature that can understand you that you are going to preform surgery on them. If the target is friendly to you, the DC is 10, if it's neutral, the DC is 15, and if they're hostile to you the DC is 20. Alternatively, the DM might make this a contested Performance - Insight check. The surgery takes an hour. During the surgery you can choose to cut a tendon in the leg or arm, rendering your choice of both arms or one leg completely useless for 1d4 + your Wisdom modifier rounds, or to cut the voice box out making the victim unable to speak for a number of days equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Plague sight

At the 10th level, you are able to ignore immunities and inflict diseases and effects on an opponent unless they make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw.

Extra Tonic

At the 11th level, You can create a tonic called 'Lotus Blossom' that can be used to cast the Insect Plague spell at 6th level.


At the 15th level, you carry a deadly plant. The plant is potent enough to cause instant death in a medium or smaller creature if it is ingested. You can force the plant down the throat of a grappled, stunned, or sleeping creature. Make a melee attack against the creature. You do not get advantage on this attack. If the creature is not grappled, stunned, or sleeping you make this attack at disadvantage. 1 minute after ingesting this plant, they make a Constitution saving throw, with the DC being 8 + your wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus. Should they fail, they are poisoned. 1 minute after that, make another Constitution save with the same DC as before. Should they fail, they are incapacitated. Another minute after that, they make their final Constitution save, with the same DC as before. Should they fail, they immediately die. If a target makes a constitution save, they return to the previous stage of the effect. If a target removes all the negative effects via Constitution saves, this effect ends on them. Once the plant is used it takes 1d6 days for the plant to regrow enough for another dose.

Plague Doctor Costume

Horsemen Judgement

At the 20th Level, you have gain the power of the four horsemen and can now send judgement onto your enemies. This may be only used once a week but allows you to do 12d12 of necrotic damage to any creature, human, or living being within 5 feet of you. If used on an undead creature, it will instantly burn up if it has a challenge rating of 5 or lower, and do 9d8 fire damage to any undead above challenge rating 5.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Plague Doctor class, you must meet these prerequisites: Wisdom 14, Intelligence 12

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Plague Doctor class, you gain the following proficiencies: Light Armor, Simple Weapons

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